Internet Technologies and Storage
We design next generation networks for the Future Internet, Fog Computing and the Internet of Things. Concepts that allow the implementation of new Hybrid Cloud-based and customised communications architectures with cyber security and highly scalable storage systems.
Media Technologies
We research to achieve seamless and natural interaction between humans, machines and their environment, taking into account aspects such as acoustics and signal processing. We also study how to improve user experiences through gamification.
Robotics, Communications and Data Analysis
We develop research projects in the area of social robotics oriented to education and therapy.
We work on the electronic design of long-distance communications systems according to electromagnetic regulation and carry out data analysis based on the information collected by these systems.
Integrated Architectural Research
To foster innovation, we integrate architectural design with the contributions of construction technologies, environmental analyses, mapping practices, advanced layout, representation techniques, social studies or conceptualisation tools, among other areas of knowledge.
Entrepreneurship and Technology-Based Innovation
Research on new and existing ventures focused on the cycle from opportunity detection to business modelling, on managing innovation inside the organization, and on technology impact on business, with a strategic management perspective. From strategy to operations with a specific focus on project management.
Technology Enhanced Learning
We examine new technologies and methods that improve learning effectiveness and democracy, collaborative learning, and those that enable us to analyze and assist the learning process.