"Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do"
Lou Holtz, born the 6th of January 1937
At La Salle R & D we focus on applied research with the aim of benefiting society in the short-medium term, which means being at the forefront of research.
One of our main strengths is the multidisciplinary and collaborative teams, formed by highly qualified and creative researchers that guarantee excellence and transversality.
We Transform Society
- We train professionals who are capable of developing a more equitable and sustainable society:
- Through lines of research that favour the evolution and transformation of society.
- With a work philosophy that includes values of solidarity, justice and service.
- Promoting the transfer of knowledge and technology to society.
- Advising students so that they can grow as leaders of great value for the best companies.
National Reference and Guarantee
We are a leading centre in the promotion and transfer of technological knowledge towards companies and an institution recognised nationally and internationally for our research and development projects.
- Knowledge. With over 100 years of history in the fields of engineering and technology, La Salle R & D develops integrated research in architecture, business and engineering.
- People. We create multidisciplinary teams with transversal skills. We train researchers, technology specialists and business managers to develop solutions with high added value.
- Experience. We have more than 25 years of experience in the development of applied research projects in collaboration with other universities and companies outstanding in their sector. In addition to 20 years in the development of knowledge transfer and technology projects for large corporations and new companies.
- Quality. We developed the projects through various research groups recognized by the AGAUR (Agency for Management of University Aid and Research) by the Generalitat de Catalunya and integrally as a TECNIO centre accredited by ACCIÓ (the Agency for the Competitiveness of Company) by the Generalitat de Cataluña.