Degree in Technical Architecture and Building Engineering

The Degree in Technical Architecture and Building is temporarily paused for new students

Business : Built environment agents

1.1. Code: GE003. 1.2. Assignment type: Compulsory 1.3. Teaching: Semiannual (S4) 1.4. ECTS Credits: 6 1.5. Lecturer in charge: Xavier Gòmez 1.6. Assistant professors: 1.6. Language: Catalan
Type Subject
Tercer - Obligatoria
Previous Knowledge

No en té


3. Skills that the subject wants to contribute to develop:

Instrumental skills (IS):

- IS1 That they be able to analyze and synthesize conceptual frameworks generating new knowledge.
- IS2.To be able to organize and plan the organization of new knowledge.
- IS3.To be able to acquire basic general knowledge about the area of ​​study.
- IS4.To be able to acquire basic knowledge of the profession.
- IS8.It is capable of acquiring information management skills.
- IS9.What are able to solve problems?
- IS10. That they are capable of making decisions.
-IS11 That they are capable of acquiring basic and fundamental knowledge of the field of training.

Interpersonal skills (IT):

- IT1. That they are capable of acquiring critical and self-criticism.
- IT2.Que be able to work in a team.
- IT3. Be able to acquire interpersonal skills.
- IT4. That they are able to work in an interdisciplinary team.
- IT8. That they are capable of acquiring an ethical commitment.
- IT9.What are capable of being sensitive to the environment.

Systemic competencies (CS):

- CS1. That they can apply the knowledge in practice.
- CS2. That they are capable of acquiring research skills.
- CS4. That they are able to re-adapt to new situations.
- CS6. That they are able to achieve leadership.
- CS9.What are capable of designing and managing projects.
- CS10. That they are capable of acquiring initiative and entrepreneurial spirit
- CS11. That they are capable of worrying about quality and continuous improvement.

Specific skills:

B-6 Adequate knowledge of the concept of enterprise, its institutional framework, models of organization, planning, control and decision-making in strategic environments of uncertainties, uncertainty and uncertainty; Production systems, costs, planning, sources of financing and elaboration of financial and presupposed plans.
B-7 Ability to organize small businesses, and to participate as a member of multidisciplinary teams in large companies.
B-8 Basic knowledge of the legal system of Public Administrations and administrative and private recruitment procedures.

E-17 Ability to program and organize the construction processes, work teams, and the technical and human resources for its execution and maintenance.
E-18 Knowledge of the construction right and the contractual relationships that occur in the different phases of the building process, as well as the legislation, regulations and specific regulations for the prevention and coordination in matters of occupational health and safety in edification
E-22 Knowledge of the organization of professional work and studies, offices and professional societies, regulations and legislation related to the functions developed by the Graduate in Construction Engineering and the framework of responsibility associated with the activity.
E-31 Knowledge of the functions and responsibilities of the agents involved in the construction and their professional or business organization. The administrative, management and processing procedures.
Knowledge of the professional organization and the basic procedures in the field of construction and promotion.

4. Learning objectives of the subject:

In the construction of a building the intervention of several agents is necessary: ​​Promoter or public or private client, Projector, Work Director, Project Manager, Constructor, Industrialists and Public Administrations.
The objective of the subject is to introduce the student in the knowledge of the peculiarities and business characteristics of each one of these agents, since, in the exercise of his future profession, he will have to collaborate assiduously.


5. Thematic blocks in which the content of the subject is organized:

5.1. Introduction to Agents that intervene in the construction process.
5.1.1. Description of the different Agents.
5.1.2. Scenarios of the construction process. Different building products. Uses

5.2. The Property:
5.2.1. Private Promoter.
5.2.2. Public Promoter.

5.3. The Projector:
5.3.1. Liberal architect
5.3.2. Professional architecture company.
5.3.3. Professional company of Engineering.
5.3.4. Other intervening agents.
5.4. The Director of the Work:
5.4.1. Liberal architect
5.4.2. Professional architecture company.
5.4.3. Professional company of Engineering.
5.4.4. Other intervening agents.

5.5. The Work Execution Director:
5.5.1. Technical Architect / Engineer Liberal Building.
5.5.2. Professional architecture company.
5.5.3. Professional company of Engineering.
5.5.4. Other intervening agents.

5.6. The Project Manager:
5.6.1. Typologies and models of Integrated Management.
5.6.2. Main functions of the Project Manager.
5.6.3. Professional management company.

5.7. The Construction Company:
5.7.1. Typologies and models of construction companies.
5.7.2. Methodology of work.

5.8. The Industrial Company:
5.8.1. Typologies and models of industrial companies.
5.8.2. Influence of the Industrial Company in the building process.
5.8.3. Relationship with the final product, project and construction.

5.9. The Public Administrations:
5.9.1. Different Public Administrations that can act in the building process.
5.9.2. Influence of Public Administrations in the building process.

5.10. The Client / End User.
5.10.1. Type of client / end user.
5.10.2. Influence of the Client / End User in the building process.


6. Methodological approach to teaching-learning to achieve the objectives:

6.1.Open exhibition areas:
Theoretical classes will be taught to introduce the students to the knowledge of all the agents that intervene in the building process.
The exhibitions will be done schematically and interactively, encouraging the participation of the students in order to reach the final goals.

6.2. Practical classes:
Visits will be organized to professional offices, builders, promoters, industrial companies, public administrations and works, to inform students about the internal functioning, organizational structure and unique characteristics of each of them.

6.3. Group work:
Group work will be developed for the development of a project, so that students organize a management group that brings together all the agents in the construction process.

6.4. Individual work:
Individual works will be developed on individual blocks, so that students will do specific research and study on the specific topic.

Contents in ECTS credits:

Total face-to-face hours: 50%, 3 cr.ECTS, divided into:
Expositive class hours: (IS / IT / CS / B / E) 35% (2 ECTS)
Practical class hours: (CS / B / E) 15% (1 ECTS)

Total hours of student work: 50%, 3 cr.ECTS, divided into:
Supervised work: (IT / CS / B / E) 15% (1 ECTS)
Non-supervised work: (CS / B / E) 35% (2 ECTS)


Dedication to the subject 6 credits at 26 hours / credit = 156 hours
Six-month semester dedication (16 lectures + 2 exams)
Weekly dedication 156 hours / 18 weeks = 8.66 hours / week
CONCEPT Total hours
Exhibit classes 48
Practical classes 20
Individual study 48
Tutoring 20
Total hours spent outside exams 136
Exam preparation hours 18
Exams Hours 2


7. Avaluació del nivell d'assoliment dels objectius:

A. Exàmens (IS / IT / CS / B / E). 55% overall rating
D. Treballs fets home (CS / B / E) 10% overall rating
E. Reports of external practices (IS / IT / CS / B) 5% global rating
I. Presentations (CS / B / E) 15% overall rating
J. Participated in classe (IS / IT / CS) 15% global rating

It is realitzaran to the llarg of the curs 3 partial exàmens (monthly) of the agents of the procés edificador of the month in curs.
The mitta of the 3 notes d'aquests exàmens will correspond to 50% of the grade A

It is realitzarà a final exam to be able to assess whether the students have assimilat els sistemes, forms d'interrelació responsabilitats, shared or not, that s'estableixen between the different agents in the decurs of the seva professional practice.
The final examination grade will correspond to 50% of the grade A.

It will be necessary to approve the subject of a grade higher than 4 to the final exam A

Basic Bibliography

Fonts d´informació bàsica. Bibliografia:

S´aportarà al inici de cada tema.