The subject introduces the student in the study of sound design, as well as in the uses of music and the effects of sound in the world of Animation and Visual Effects.
Type Subject
Tercer - Obligatoria
Previous Knowledge

• To know the theoretical concepts related to sound physics and the synchronization of sound with the image
• To know the effects and uses of sound and music in the animation cinema
• To know the characteristics of the dubbing and the work with actors of dubbing
• To establish the fundamental differences between the design of sound within the animation cinema and the design of sound for interactive environments
• That the student is able to analyze and choose a soundtrack and a sound design suitable for an animation project
• To establish the basic knowledge to be able to create a simple soundtrack in specialized software
• To establish basic knowledge to record and edit sound effects, environments and locutions within specialized software
• To establish fundamentals of microphone, recording, editing, mixing and mastering
• To acquire the appropriate concepts and language to work, interact and communicate with sound design professionals, as well as music publishers and composers
• Application of knowledge to practical cases and short clips of animation
• Knowledge of the standard tools and methods of the sound design industry, musical composition and sound editing


1. Fundamentals and theory

2. Music and sound design in the animation cinema

3. Creation and production of sound design and soundtrack for a project
3.1. Soundtrack (Theory)
3.2. Soundtrack (Practice)
3.3. Foley, sfx and locutions (Theory)
3.4. Foley, sfx and locutions (Practice)
3.5. Mixing and mastering the project


• Master classes
• Practice with a computer
• Teamwork
• Visualization and analysis of real projects
• Recording of sound effects and locutions in study
• Work on animation clips and interactive media


The subject is evaluated by means of two final deliverables and a continuous evaluation:

The first work consists of a brief written analysis (approximately 1500 words) about the uses and applications of music and the effects of sound in an animation work to be chosen by the student, using the contents learned in the classes.

The second work involves the composition of a soundtrack and the creation of a sound design for a short animation clip (three minutes) to choose between three options given by the teacher.

The continuous assessment will be assessed according to the implication and the work done in the classes and in the recording studio.

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography

- Designing Sound for Animation. Robin Beauchamp. Ed. Focal Press.
- Sound Design: The Expressive Power of Music, Voice and Sound Effects in Cinema. David Sonnenschein. Ed. Michael Wiese Productions.
- The Sound Effects Bible: How to Create and Record Hollywood Style Sound Effects. Ric Viers. Ed. Michael Wiese Productions.
- The Foley Grail: The Art of Performing Sound for Film, Games, and Animation. Vanessa Theme Ament. Ed. Focal Press.
- Aaron Marks' Complete Guide to Game Audio: For Composers, Sound Designers, Musicians, and Game Developers. Aaron Marks. Ed. CRC Press.
- Música de cine: Una ilusión óptica. Conrado Xalabarder. Ed. MundoBSO.
- El Guión Musical en el Cine. Conrado Xalabarder. Ed. MundoBSO.

Additional Material

- La audiovisión. Michel Chion. Ed. Paidós.
- Practical Art of Motion Picture Sound. David Lewis Yewdall. Ed. Focal Press.