This course seeks to assist you in:
- Developing a broad definition of marketing and the marketing concept
o The evolution of marketing from the production to the selling and recent marketing concept
- Understand the main threats and opportunities in the marketing environment
o the technological, economic, competitive, political, demographic and cultural influences on the practice of marketing
- Identifying, and assessing the role of consumer behaviour marketing
o Identifying the changing role of the consumer
o Assessing influences over the consumers purchasing decisions
- Developing an awareness of the role of marketing research in making effective marketing decisions
- Identifying the role of segmentation particularly in an environment when the customer is increasingly complex
- Developing an awareness and understanding of the different tools of marketing often referred to as the marketing mix
o Challenge the traditional 4 P´s model incorporating the concept of people, physical evidence and process
- Identifying the ethical challenges associated with the application of the marketing programs
- Understanding the basic contents and structure of a marketing plan
Learning Outcomes:
Subject Specific Skills:
On the completion of this module students will be able to:
- Understand the marketing environment and trends influencing marketers.
- Make marketing decisions in the context of general management.
- Control the elements of the marketing mixproduct policy, channels of distribution, communication, and pricing.
- Understand the ethical aspects of the marketing process.
- Be able to do a Marketing Plan
Core Academic Skills:
On the completion of this module students will be able to:
- Independently critically apply and adapt marketing principles across a wide range of markets
- Understand the function of marketing in the context of other functional areas within an organization
- Understand the importance of extensive market research before deciding on a strategic direction
AGENDA FOR THE SESSIONS: Below you can find the main topics that will be covered. The order in which they are covered will vary, but each topic is directly connected to a chapter from the required text.
Topic 1 (Week 15/09, 2s) Introduction to the Marketing Concept
Welcome and Introduction to the Course
Discussion of basic marketing concepts and course evaluation
Topic 2 (Week 22/09, 1s) Understanding the marketing environment
Factors Influencing the marketing concept
Topic 3 (Week 29/09, 2s) The role of marketing research in the marketing function
Marketing Research techniques and strategies
Topic 4 (Week 6/10, 2s) Consumer Behaviour
The buying decision process and factors influencing it.
The digital consumer (8/10)
Topic 5 (Week 13/10, 2s) Diagnostic
Determine strategic alternatives
Topic 6 (Week 20/10, 2s) Identifying Segments and Targeting
Segmenting and targeting the market effectively
Topic 7 (Week 27/10, 2s) Value Proposition: Positioning
Positioning accordingly
Topic 8 (Week 3/11, 2s) Value Proposition: Branding
Building brands in the Digital Era (3/11).
The Brand as part of the company strategy.
Mid Term Exam (Week 10/11, 1s)
Topic 9 (Week 17/11, 2s) Introducing the Operational Marketing and Product Activities
Product attributes, building a brand and packaging.
Topic 10 (Week 24/11, 2s) Price & Pricing Activities
Deciding price and setting pricing strategies
Topic 11 (Week 1/12, 2s) Communication Activities
Advertising, Public Relations, Sales Promotions & Direct Selling.
Promote through the Social Network (3/12)
Topic 12 (Week 8/12, 1s) Unconventional Marketing Strategies
Guerilla Marketing, Product Placement & Ambushing Competition
The learning experience is based on a range of teaching methods that seek to foster your understanding of the marketing function. The classes will be dynamic only if students come to class prepared and willing to contribute to class discussion.
The class will draw on lectures which will concentrate on the principle marketing concepts, case studies that you will be required to do outside class time as well as in-class discussions. We will also draw on the vast array of multimedia sources such as videos, podcasts and blogs to supplement written material.
As the organization of this class is based on the participation and practice, I expect you to treat this course like you would a job. As a main manager of this class I assume that people I am working with are professional, hard working and intelligent who are capable to respect the rules of this job and the rest of the people in the company.
3 PILLARS: PUNCTUALITY (respect for your time and that of others!) and active PARTICIPATION (of highest quality and building on the comments of your classmates) are two essential requirements for this course. ATTENDANCE is also compulsory.
Additionally, we expect from you:
- Be punctual. Come to class on time. No excuses are allowed. Late arrivals disrupt the flow of the class. Anyone who arrives 5 minutes later than the starting of the session won´t be allowed to enter the class.
- Attendance. It´s compulsory to attend. You cannot miss classes. The course is based on continuous participation, cases and examples will be developed during several classes, if you miss one class you will lose out. If you have more than three absences for semester you will not reach the minimum final grade to pass this course. Special situations will be discussed one by one if necessary.
- Participate. Class participation is a must for the final grade. Nevertheless, it´s key to prepare out of class readings, exercises, activities or other material as requested. You will be assessed on the quality of your comments and the feedback provided to classmates.
- Meet deadlines. Meet due dates. Assignments, exercises, presentations and activities delivered out of time will be considered as not presented and you will be graded with 0 points.
- Demonstrate academic integrity in all of your work. Cheating in any form on assignments, exercises of exams will be automatically considered in the final grade as 0 points. You are the responsible for your work; we will not accept any excuses.
- Cell phones & Laptops policy. Cell phones are not allowed during class, unless related to a class activity. Laptops are only allowed for note taking and class activities. If the professor believes that someone in class is using the laptop for other purposes all laptops in class will be turned off.
- Retake. Will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
The course grade will be based on the following point breakdown:
- Attendance and participation (including preparation of homework): 30%
- Assignments: 30%
- Midterm exam: short answer questions on concepts studied to date: 15%
- Final exam: short answer questions (concepts from midterm to final) and discussion questions (a selection of topics from the course as a whole): 25%
- Note: the professor may choose to introduce a make-up assignment for extra credit.
In addition to the cases we will be discussing in class, you will be provided with a range of additional materials through the University intranet. We will also be using Pearson MarketingLab, an online platform linked to the required text book. You may also be requested to search for particular readings in the library databases.
Required Textbook
Principles of Marketing 15ed- Kotler & Armstrong - Prentice Hall Publishing.
- This textbook is used as the basic text for any marketing course
- It is easy to use and includes many useful case studies highlighting the main marketing concepts
- You will be provided with an access code to the MyMarketingLab platform that includes the full e-text for this book plus a multitude of additional resources (video lectures, video cases, tests etc). If you prefer to buy the book yourself, you can (Amazon is a good option). Also:
o The textbook is also available in MP3 format and can be bought on i-tunes.
o Previous editions of the textbook are available in the library. Note that these are not exactly the same as the required text.
Other sources: - marketing industry web from the UK (deals with major marketing trends, actions from Europe as well as other international markets) - general business web but has a strong marketing focus (US oriented)
htpp:// - the internet home of Fast Company Magazine featuring innovative ideas, people, and companies - American Marketing Association Website - practical guide to implementing marketing strategies - information and insight into the advertising industry - resources on marketing plans