Degree in Digital Business Design and Innovation

In today's world, the digital revolution is transforming the way we communicate and the way we do business. Professionals have to be able to constantly adapt to these changes

Introduction to Digital Business Environment

This course provides fundamental foundation and insight into the concepts and principles of Digital Business. The course explores various components such internal and external business environment, strategy, entrepreneurship and start-ups, digital business ecosystem, technologies and innovation. By the end of this course, students should be able to have achieved the objectives set up for this course and have developed the competencies listed below: 1. Understand the context: the undergoing digital transformation of business and society 2. Learn how exponential organizations work 3. Understand the innovation ecosystem 4. Discover the local digital ecosystem and players: start-ups, companies, start-up incubators, suppliers, public sector, relevant events
Type Subject
Primer - Obligatoria
Previous Knowledge



The course should enable you:
1. To gain a foundation of business principles
2. To discover the digital business ecosystem in Barcelona in and out of the classroom
3. To understand the entrepreneurship mindset and what it takes to be successful
4. To discover your potentials and your role in building a high performing team
5. To apply concepts learned in the course to real companies


Introduction/Course Syllabus & Requirements
The Business Environment: internal and external
Studying the business environment
The Organization: Culture and structure
The People: Knowing yourself, Team members: building a high performing team, Founder/Leader
Business Strategy: Types of strategy, developing a strategy
Entrepreneurship / Start-ups (I):
- Growth cycle
- Social entrepreneurship
- What it takes to be an entrepreneur
Entrepreneurship / Start-ups (II):
- Why start-ups/entrepreneurial ventures fail
- Student entrepreneurship
Digital Business Overview: What is DG? Digital transformation
Digital Business Ecosystem:
- Introduction
- Dimensions of DBE, Clusters & networks, Service providers, Incubator vs. Accelerator, Funding
Technologies & innovation
- Emerging technologies
Company Visits


This course is built upon "learning by doing" methodology. It combines interviews, visits, lectures, tests, debates, workshops, student presentations, reports and exercises. Students are expected to participate actively in class discussion and to prepare assignments prior to class.
Under La Salle's learning philosophy some sessions will be led by students. This challenges students to take on a more active role in their learning by preparing a topic and facilitating the learning process for their classmates. In these student-led sessions, the teacher will take on a more supporting role to provide clear guidelines, feedback and take-aways at the end of the session aligning with learning objectives and outcomes.
This course will feature four to six "learning expeditions" where the students will have the opportunity to learn from the field how different organizations are leveraging the potential of technology to solve challenges and create opportunities.


Participation (10%)
Individual assignments (I) (25%)
Pair assignment (P)(10%)
Team assignments (T)(50%)
Innovation & Inspiration (INOIN) (5%)

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography

Reading materials will be posted prior to each week's class and student are expected to read posted materials before class.

Additional Material

Students are advised to read business news from credible sources such as those below (free to access and subscribe):
ExO Foundation:
Mobile World Capital -
Singularity University:
Harvard Business School Working Knowledge:
Pew Research Center:
World Economic Forum:
Deloitte Insights: