Titular Professors
Students acquire the knowledge and develop the skills indicated below:
1. Properly use the specific terminology of pharmacology and understand the process of research, production, and commercialization of medications.
2. Identify therapeutic groups, drugs, and pharmaceutical forms, as well as their behavior in the organism.
3. Gain autonomy in searching for the pharmacological properties and safety of medications in reliable bibliographic sources.
1. Development and commercialization process of medications. Legislation.
2. General foundations of medication behavior in the body.
3. Preparation, dispensing, and administration of medications.
4. Basic notions of safety in medication use, interactions, adverse reactions, and medication errors.
5. Study of the most frequent therapeutic groups in professional practice in community and hospital settings.
The subject is taught using a combination of different teaching methodologies: from lectures to convey the fundamental theoretical concepts of the course, problem-based learning, and practical sessions where challenges related to pharmacology are presented and solved through individual or group activities.
Check the electronic folder for the course.
Check the electronic folder for the course.
Check the electronic folder for the course.