1. Objectives
To offer students the possibility of complementing their academic knowledge by developing real experiences in companies, participating in projects, receiving tutoring from company managers and a thorough follow-up during the process by their academic leaders.
2. Methodology
2.1. Students who have already taken an internship program
Students willing to validate an internship program taken prior to the enrolment period of the current academic year must meet the following requirements:
- Are enrolled in the subjects willing to validate (compulsory, optional).
- Have completed the internship program at most two academic courses before the current academic year.
- The internship program was taken under an accepted legal cover (labour contract or university-company collaboration agreement).
- The functional content of the internship program or collaboration in company is validated by the academic tutor of the subject (Paul Fox in Bachelors or Angel Anton in Building Engineering / Architecture).
- Complete the minimum dedication to the program that the academic accreditation of each subject requires.
- The hours of taken in the internship program have not been destined to validate other courses with regulated academic content.
- All documents relevant for validation are submitted:
- University-company contract or collaboration agreement
- Corresponding assessment questionnaires (tutor - student)
2.2. Validation process
All students willing to validate the external inthernships with previous academic collaborations in progress must follow the following process:
- The student must answer the following questions:
- Subjects to be validated: compulsory and / or electives.
- Description of the task.
- Total hours of dedication.
- Details of the company where the activity is carried out.
- The name of the follow-up tutor (directly responsible).
- Your contact information (phone and email) and should send the information to both the tutor responsible for the assignment and the Job Centre to borsa@salle.url.edu.
- The academic tutor will be responsible for delivering the questionnaires to both the student and the tutor of the company.
- The academic tutor will be responsible for delivering the questionnaires to both the student and the tutor of the company.
- The academic tutor will mark the final grade (currently, 80% qualification of the tutor of the company - 20% qualification of the academic tutor of the university).
- The academic tutor will be responsible for introducing the final grades to the information system.
2.3. Students who have not taken an internship program
Students who have not taken an internship program previously must:
- Have an initial interview with the tutor of the external internship.
- The academic tutor of external internship will analyse the student's concerns and demand the updated CV of the student (attach model of CV).
- The academic tutor of the external internships will redirect the student to the job centre department, who must request an appointment and attach the updated CV.
- The academic tutor will be in charge of supporting the student in the search of opportunities in the market (Salle internal or external), and will guide him in the process.
- Once the internship program has been completed, the student will have to answer the following questions:
- Subjects to be validated: compulsory and / or electives.
- Description of the task.
- Total hours of dedication.
- Details of the company where the activity is carried out.
- The name of the follow-up tutor (directly responsible).
- Your contact information (phone and email).
- The academic tutor will be responsible for delivering the questionnaires to both the student and the tutor of the company and to receive them filled out.
- The academic tutor will be responsible for delivering the questionnaires to both the student and the tutor of the company.
- The academic tutor will validate the functional adequacy of the tasks performed and the time of dedication. In turn, the Job Centre will validate the legal situation thereof.
- The academic tutor will mark the final grade (currently, 80% qualification of the tutor of the company - 20% qualification of the academic tutor of the university).
- The academic tutor will be responsible for introducing the final grades to the information system.
3. General Regulations
Requirements and Conditions of the University-Company Collaboration Agreement for internship students in companies.
- Be enrolled in La Salle Campus BCN-URL and be up to date with the payment of tuition.
- Have 50% of the credits approved.
- Do not exceed the limit of 960 hours in the academic year (between 1/9 and 31/8).
- The agreements that are signed are advised not to have a duration greater than 9 months. If within their tasks, the student has to go to visit a work or go to clients' houses with their tutor, the Company has to notify the University of this, in order for it to carry out the necessary internal procedures so that the insurance also cover the student in these situations. The school insurance covers accidents when going to and from school / practice, but not as vehicle drivers, which is then the compulsory insurance for the car involved in the accident. It is essential that all students who are going to carry out practices sign a document stating that they are not authorized to drive a private vehicle, and that, if they do, it is under their full responsibility. This document will be attached to the documentation at the time of formalizing the agreement.
- It is advisable not to exceed the limit of 20 hours a week. Exceptionally, there may be specific cases in which you can do more than 20 hours a week as long as the student can combine their studies and internships in the company. (In summer they can do 8h / day).
- If the student withdraws before the end date agreed by the parties. The company will notify the University, indicating the number of hours of internships carried out and the date on which the student has withdrawn, so that it has evidence and takes the appropriate steps.
- The student must have a tutor in the company who supervises their practices.
- Once the agreed internship period is over, the tutor will fill in the questionnaire that the university will provide and will make an evaluation of the student (attitude, aptitudes, ... in the company) and of the practices carried out, putting an overall mark at the end. This questionnaire will be sent to the university so that it can be part of the student's evaluation, if the faculty requests it.
- The student will also fill out an evaluation questionnaire of the practices carried out and send it to the University.
4. Related Subjects
- Degree in Architecture Studies:
- Compulsory Internships in a Company (4th Year) 3 semester ECTS
- Optional Internships in a Company II (4th or 5th Year) 3 semester ECTS
- Degree in Technical Architecture and Building Engineering:
- Compulsory External Internships (4th Year) 6 semester ECTS
- Degree in Animation & VFX
- Compulsory External Internships (4th Year) 12 semester ECTS
- Engineering Degrees:
- 4 Years Degree
- Mandatory External Internships (4th Year) 4 semester ECTS
- Optative Internships I (4th Year) 4 semester ECTS
- Optative Internships II (4th Year) 4 semester ECTS
- 3 Years Degree
- Mandatory External Internships (3rd Year) 6 semester ECTS
- Optative Internships I (3rd Year) 6 semester ECTS
- 4 Years Degree
- Degree in Business Administration:
- Mandatory External Internships (4th Year) 4 semester ECTS
5. Institutions where you can take internship programs
Companies, Institutions and Public Organisms that can assure the development of functions and tasks related to the studies taken and the correct monitoring of the internships.
During the 2009-2010 academic year, training agreements were signed with 245 different companies, which enabled 372 students to take internships.