Double Qualification in Computer Engineering and Multimedia Engineering

Double Degree in Computer Engineering and Multimedia Engineering

La Salle Campus Barcelona offers 5 double degrees in the ICT Engineering and the Business Management field. With the double degrees, you can finish the university studies in 5 academic years with two official degree qualifications

Design and Usability I

This course is based in the basic concepts of usability applied to Internet, mobile, interactive stands, etc. and in evaluating-with user´s techniques for a user-centered design (DCU), such as graphic design concepts and using the necessary programs to achieve successfully the digital creation. The sue subject focuses in analyzing and redesigning by means of process carried out in possible projects of real companies. .
Type Subject
Primer - Obligatoria
Previous Knowledge

The main objective of the course is to provide the student with the basic knowledge to successfully develop the creation and the good justification of the design of a product, focused on the users that are going to use it.

To carry out this objective, the course focuses on:
Learning the tools: Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop
Theoretical concepts needed to know and understand design, usability, accessibility and user experience.
Practices with oral defenses of the works to justify the decisions or options taken in the deliveries.

The learning outcomes of this course are:
RA. 01 The necessary and basic knowledge about Graphic Design is available.
RA. 02 The necessary and basic knowledge of image retouching tools is available.
RA. 03 The minimum and necessary artistic and creative bases are applied for the good design of any product
RA. 04 Knowledge of Human Computer Interaction/Usability is available for the practice of UCD (Design
RA. 05 Usability problems can be identified, formulated and solved in multi-disciplinary environments, both in
team as well as individually.
RA. 06 The impact of Usability on work processes and society is truly understood.
RA. 07 The basic fundamentals for the definition and description of procedures and user interface apply.
RA. 08 Knowing how to implement efficient man-machine interfaces.
RA. 09 To know the design of audiovisual applications attending to usability and accessibility criteria.
RA. 010 The necessary and basic knowledge of graphic design is available.
RA. 011 Knowledge of usability and human-machine interaction is available for the practice of centred design
in user.
RA. 012 Understanding the impact of usability on work processes and society.
RA. 013 To know the minimum and necessary artistic and creative bases for the basic design of software.
RA. 014 Identify, formulate and solve usability problems in multidisciplinary environments, both in teams and
RA. 015 Knowing how to implement efficient man-machine interfaces.
RA. 016 To know the design of audiovisual applications attending to usability and accessibility criteria.


Communication techniques.
Perception and vision theory.
Grammar of vision.
Color theory.
Graphic design.
Learning the Adobe Illustrator tool.
Learning the Adobe Photoshop tool.
Concepts of usability and user experience.
Iterative design.
Evaluation techniques.
Expert analysis: heuristics.
Technological accessibility.


The course is based on three distinct blocks:
Graphic Design
Usability, accessibility and user experience

During the first semester we will work on graphic design concepts: learning Illustrator, graphic design conceptualization and Photoshop. In the final delivery will be valued the communication of the report delivered, oral communication by defending the practice to part of the technical content required.

During the second semester we will work on user experience concepts: usability, accessibility, prototyping and user evaluation techniques. In the final delivery will be assessed the communication of the report delivered, oral communication by defending the practice to some of the technical content required.

The subject has a weekly operation with 2 teaching sessions:
During each session, initially an introduction to the basic concepts will be made and later the concepts explained will be applied to a practical exercise that will have to be given before finalizing the session. All the exercises are part of the continuous evaluation.



The final grade of the course will be calculated from the two semester grades.
Both semesters must be passed (minimum grade of 5 each) to pass the course.

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography

Diseño, Maquetación y Composición, Dabner, David, Naturart, S.A., 2005
Signos, Simbolos, Marcas y Señales, Adrian Frutiger , Ed Gustavo Gili, 2006
Aprender a Dibujar con el Lado Derecho del Cerebro, Edwards, Betty, Ed. Edurano, 2000
No me hagas pensar, Steve Krug., Pearson Educación, 2006

Additional Material