Degree in International Computer Engineering La Salle Campus Barcelona

Degree in International Computer Engineering

La Salle Degree s in Computer Engineering, is the only Degree program in Barcelona which equips you with the skills and knowledge needed to meet the new international demands of the computer engineering sector and of the global business world.

Digital Telecommunications

The subject describes specific parts of transmitters and receivers of Digital Communications. Coding systems, wideband and narrowband modulations, source coding and syncrhonization.
Type Subject

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

Signals and Systems 2nd level subject knowledge is necessary to take this subject, specially the modulations and transmission loss parts.


Objective 1: Basic knowledge of the subject.
Objective 2: Abilities to put knowledge in the practice.
Objective 3: Writing abilities in the own language.
Objective 4: Group work abilitites.


Unit 1 - Narrowband and wideband modulation
Unit 2 - Source coding
Unit 3 - Channel coding
Unit 4 - Synchronization


A. Subject Lectures
B. Group work to solve cases
C. Midterm exam


- The subject lasts one semester and consists of two very different parts: the part of knowledge and the practice of the subject. The evaluation of knowledge and practice will be independent. In order to pass the subject, knowledge and practice must be approved independently. The final grade of the subject is represented in the following formula:

Note_Final = 60% · Knowledge + 40% · Practice

- The knowledge note will be evaluated based on the following related notes: the exams note (Note_Ex) and the continuous follow-up note or continuous evaluation (Note_Ac), according to the following calculation:

Knowledge = 70% · Note_Ex + 30% · Note_Ac

- This calculation will only be applied if the knowledge note exceeds the exam mark (Note_Ex).
- On the other hand, the exam grades (Note_Ex) will be calculated by weighting with the semester exam notes (Ex_Midterm) and the final exam mark (Ex_Final), according to the following calculation:

Note_Ex = 50% · Ex_Final + 50% · Ex_Midterm

- If the grade obtained in the Midterm Exam is greater than or equal to 5 (subjects 1 and 2), the subject corresponding to this exam will be released to the student for the final exam of the semester (not for the call extraordinary).
- In addition to the final exam in the ordinary session, there will be the possibility of taking a final examination of recovery for those students who have not previously approved it (extraordinary call).
- With regard to the evaluation of the practice in a later section, this is detailed along with all the regulations of practices.

Evaluation Criteria

Objective 1: Basic knowledge of the subject: it is evaluated through the class examens and the semester exam.
Objective 2: Abilities to put knowledge in the practice: it is evaluated using the group work tasks.
Objective 3: Writing abilities in the own language: it is evaluated using the group work tasks.
Objective 4: Group work abilitites: it is evaluated using the group work tasks.

Basic Bibliography

J. G. Proakis, Digital Communications. Mcgraw-Hill, 1989. ISBN 0-07-100269-3.
B. Sklar, Digital Communications: Fundamentals And Applications. Prentice-Hall, 2000. ISBN 0-13-084788-7.

Additional Material