Double Qualification in Engineering Studies in Telematics and Computer Science

Double Degree in Engineering Studies in Telematics and Computer Science

Receive training to become an expert engineer in Network and Internet Technologies and get the CCNA and CCNP official qualifications

Advanced Operating Systems

An operating system is a software layer executed on hardware to offer some services. In this subject named Operating Systems all the operating system´s parts and its nucleus are studied paying a special attention to multiprocessing, concurrency and communication mechanisms between processes and mutual exclusion. The objective of the Advanced Operating System subject is to deepen in the two fundamental subthemes of the operating system: the file system and the memory management system. From a practical approach, some practices that implement different functionalities, policies or techniques of an operating system are accomplished. Besides, many examples are explained in order to help students to have a deeper knowledge of the aspects that have been studied from a theoretical point of view and so that they may see its application.
Type Subject

Titular Professors

Director of Educational Innovation
Previous Knowledge

Theme 1. File systems (21 hours)
Theme 2. Memory management (21 hours)


The subject will be taught according on the Project Based Learning methodology. Each one of the two themes will be developed from a practice that the student shall design and implement. During teaching hours, the theoretical contents will be explained when they are required in order to reach the stated objectives. The professor will supervise, evaluate and orientate each one of the projects.

Practices will be carried out in groups. The evaluation will be a mix between the practice´s global and technical evaluation and the individual evaluations from the interviews.


- The subject lasts one semester and it has two different parts: the knowledge part and the practical part for each of the two themes. The evaluation will be independent for each of the themes. To pass the whole subject it is necessary to pass theme 1 and theme 2 separately. The subject´s final grade is represented in the following formula:

Final_Grade = 50% - Theme 1 + 50% - Theme 2

Provided that Theme 1>=5 & Theme 2 >=5.

- The grade for Theme 1 and Theme 2 will be obtained from the exam´s grade and the practice´s grade according to the following calculus:

Theme 1 = 50% - ExTheme1_Grade + 50%- PracticeTheme1_Grade
Theme 2 = 50% - ExTheme2_Grade + 50%- PracticeTheme2_Grade

Provided that Theme 1>=5 & Theme 2 >=5.

- Besides the ordinary exams, students who have not passed the exam before will have the possibility to take a recovery final exam (extraordinary exam).
- The evaluation of the practices is detailed in other section that also includes the practices´ regulation.
- As it is specified in the practices´ regulation, it´s worth to mention that students have the possibility to get rid to take the exam of each theme depending on the grade they had in the practice.

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography

MICROSOFT CORPORATION (2000) `Microsoft Extensible Firmware Initiative. FAT32 File System Specification´, Version 1.03, December 6, 2000.

POIRIER, D. (2011) `The Second Extended File System. Internal Layout´, 2001-2011.

FORCADA, R. (2008). Estudi del sistema de fitxers FAT32 i implementació d'una aplicació docent, Treball Final de Carrera, Enginyeria i Arquitectura La Salle, Universitat Ramon Llull.

CANALETA, X. (2010) `Exercicis i problemes d´examen de Sistemes Operatius Avançats´, Publicacions La Salle, Agost 2011.
STALLINGS, W. (2005) Sistemas operativos, 5 Edición, Pearson Prentice Hall, ISBN: 84-205-4462-0

Additional Material