Titular Professors
1. To understand why IT Software for Business is a key player inside organizations.
2. To know which are the tools available for each specific task and how to use them.
3. To understand how to properly analyze, store, process and present information.
4. To integrate the value-added proposal of IT Software in any given scenario.
5. To identify which is the best way of using the IT Software structure inside a business.
6. To improve your individual and team performance with this knowledge.
7. To be aware of the latest IT Software trends and its contribution to the company.
Content blocks/modules are the following:
- Block 1: Management
- Block 2: Analysis
- Block 3: Development
- Block 4: Communication
By the end of this course, students should be able to have achieved the objectives established for this course and have developed the following competencies :
- Basic theoretical & practical knowledge of the subject.
- Capacity of Analysis and Synthesis.
- Capacity of Integrate theoretical knowledge in practical activities.
- Capacity of Planning, Organization and Decision-Making.
- Design and Development of creative solutions to real problems.
- Development of presentation skills.
- Development of Data collection, processing and analysis skills.
- Development of Information management & search skills.
- Development of IT and IT Management skills.
- Development of Team Management skills.
- Development of Text processing skills.
- Development of Web design, creation, analytics and positioning skills.
- Team working.
- Understand IT value proposals for the business.
The learning experience is based on a variety of theoretical and practical concepts related to IT software fundamentals and tools, which will be trained on a weekly basis performing individual checkpoints (weekly challenges and tests). In parallel, the student will have to work in teams to perform a project during the semester that will have to integrate all the knowledge that each session will introduce. Last but not least, there will be an exam to cover the ability of the student with data processing using Microsoft Excel. The idea is to perform dynamic sessions that can help the student to feel comfortable with the IT software for business, so that this barrier or weakness becomes a strength in his/her professional future.
We believe in individual work as a way to interiorize fundamentals and we believe in team working as a way to put these concepts in practice. Combining both is what leads the way to a proper evaluation and learning process.
The Course grade will be based on the following point breakdown:
40% Weekly challenges: 10 challenges to be submitted weekly. Deadlines on Sundays.
25% Midterm Exam: Data processing (Excel) only.
25% Team Project: Performed during the course and enclosing all the topics explained in class. Project will need to be presented in a session during the week of May 31st -June4th .
10% Weekly content pills. 11 mandatory readings that will be evaluated using tests in eStudy.
Bibliography and readings will be detailed in each specific block/module, which will require specialized bibliography.