28 June 2024

The nIQ Excellence Hub Iberia and Latam is created to promote entrepreneurship and innovation on both sides of the Atlantic

La Salle Campus Barcelona is one of the members responsible for the project

The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT Europe), Tataj Innovation and La Salle Campus Barcelona formalize a collaboration agreement to cooperate in the creation of the hub of Excellence for the Iberia and Latam areas, based on the Network IQ methodology. This agreement comes as a result of the closure of the European Network IQ Alliance project, funded by EIT HEIs with the support of EIT Health and coordinated by EIT Raw Materials.

The purpose of this hub is to encourage relationships and connections to make innovation and integration of the knowledge triangle possible: higher education, business and innovation. This cooperation will take the form of both innovation and entrepreneurship projects, with events, training, seminars, workshops and publications that contribute to improving and putting into practice standards of excellence that adapt to new economic, technological and social challenges. 

Network IQ Alliance is a consortium formed by entrepreneurial universities, an innovative SME, a network of research institutes and a network of science and technology parks located in Spain, Poland, Latvia, Ireland, the United Kingdom and Australia that together have an impact on more than 77 countries. Together they have tested the Network IQ (nIQ) methodology, created by Tataj Innovation, a method that develops digital skills at the ecosystem level to promote innovation and the creation of networks. The objective is to create a systemic impact on higher education at the institutional level, through nIQ, integrating innovation and entrepreneurship into the core strategies of higher education institutions (HEIs), thus contributing to reducing the gap between academia and business.