19 June 2024

The IALU General Board meets in Madrid

The meeting is held at the La Salle Centro Universitario in Madrid after the December event held in Rio de Janeiro

Institutional representatives of La Salle Campus Barcelona, ​​a founding member of Universitat Ramon Llull, attend two important international meetings of the International Association La Salle Universities (IALU): the board of the Francophone Europe and Africa Region and the General board.

This is the second face-to-face meeting of the current academic year of the IALU General board and is held on the La Salle Centro Universitario campus, in Madrid, after the December 2023 event in Rio de Janeiro. The meeting of the IALU board members, representatives of Lasallian universities from around the world, was preceded by the meeting of the board of the Europe and Francophone Africa Region, chaired by the General Director of La Salle Campus Barcelona, ​​Josep M. Santos. At this meeting, the universities of France and ARLEP exchanged experiences, projects and future strategies with the members of the General board. Both meetings are a new opportunity to address current issues related to Lasallian higher education, share experiences and outline lines of work for the future.

The IALU, created in 1998, currently includes more than 60 institutions spread throughout the world and promotes network collaboration of all its members to vindicate the validity of Christian values and the charisma of Saint John Baptist de La Salle in the university world. It is a benchmark in social innovation, in quality accessible education and in the training of highly qualified and committed agents of transformation.

The IALU is subdivided into several regions, including Europe and Francophone Africa. During the XIII IALU Meeting, which was also hosted by the campus in November 2022, the members of the IALU board and all the directors of the different regions were appointed. The General Director of La Salle Campus Barcelona, ​​Josep M. Santos, was once again proposed and approved as director of the Europe and Francophone Africa region, as well as a member of the IALU board.