Degree in Management of Business and Technology La Salle Campus Barcelona

Degree in Management of Business and Technology

Internationality, technology, innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, values, and both people and team management are the keys to define this degree. Includes international stages.

Sports and technology management

From the most competitive sports footwear to the fastest bikes, or the construction of the most connected sports arenas, in recent years a lot of effort, ingenuity, creativity and specific technical knowledge has been devoted to achieving sporting excellence and a more efficient generation of business in the sports industry. Technological progress has led to numerous innovations in the sports sector that have resulted in improved results, performance, safety, and has contributed to the improvement of the show and its management. Over time the different stakeholders in the competitive landscape that is the sports industry have been using technological developments in areas like the media, production, transportation etc. to obtain competitive advantages and they will continue to do so. Sport is an ideal ecosystem in which new technological developments can find practical application, exactly because it is so competitive. In this course we aim to provide students the tools to manage projects that involve integrating new technologies in a dynamic environment like sport. Through a number of projects with real companies we will take the students through this complex process. The course will have a pragmatic focus where theory has a supporting role for the main objective of developing a real solution for a real brief of a company. An important aspect of this process will be optimal teamwork.
Type Subject

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

This course seeks to assist you in:
- Developing a broad understanding of the complexity of successfully implementing technological solutions in a sports environment o Special attention to specific requirements of different application areas of the technological innovation, understanding of the needs and desires of stakeholders and the quantification of the value creation of the new solution.
- Get a practical and hands-on experience of product/solution development in the context of the sports industry
- Providing the tools necessary for the different steps of the process of technological innovation in sport
- Understanding and experiencing the iterative process and its complexity


- Topic 1: Introduction & Course explanation
- Topic 2: Design thinking and inverse engineering of SportsTech solutions
- Topic 3: Challenges for digital change in Sports Organizations. The UEFA 2016 case
- Topic 4: Digitalization of traditional sports
- Topic 5: Implementation of Technological Innovation in Sports & Organizational Resistance
- Topic 6: Marketing & Sales of Sports Tech to Sports Organizations (with online Q&A with industry specialist)
- Topic 7: Moral & Ethical dilemmas related to Technology & Digital Transformation in Sports


The course will have a mayor weight in practical group work. The students will be split up in different work groups, each to develop new technological solutions addressing real problems and/or opportunities. Projects will be done for and with the support of real companies and the work groups will have to actively engage with the companies to find optimal solutions. They will be guided through the process and will have to present their final product/solution to a panel of professors and representatives of the company.
The students will be guided through the process of technological innovation in sport by the professor and a mentor (one per group) who will provide support to groups at key moments. In class we will explain necessary theory, templates and guidelines. These will be applied in-group work to deliver a portfolio of hand-ins that should be presented. The groups will then receive feedback on their work to be able to take on the next project.
At the end of each project the groups will present their final concept design of a technological solution to the companies that initially presented the project briefs. During the working sessions the professor will be present to provide the students with guidance and further support for their new product/service development project. Furthermore, the students will have to make appointments to have mentoring sessions with the professors or mentors outside normal class time. This is to give students additional support to develop their products. SKYPE CAN BE USED FOR MENTORING SESSIONS.
A major part of the grading of the course will be based on the group work and presentations. Therefore, group work and self-organization will be important for a successful evaluation of the course.


The Course grade will be based on presentations and group work. There will be NO EXAMS. The grading will be based on the following point breakdown:
- Class Work / Class Assignments 25%
- Midterm Assignment 20%
- Madrid/Thematic Week Presentation: 15%
- Sports Tech Essay: 20%
- Sports Tech Essay Defence: 10%
- Participation / self-evaluation report: 10%

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography

As well as the main textbook, additional readings will be posted on the eStudy intranet or handed out in class. Most of these readings will consist of articles, internet blogs and other interesting links.

Recommended Textbooks:
- Rosner & Shropshire. "The Business of Sports". Jones & Bartlett Learning 2011
- Gratton & Solberg. "The Economics of Sports Broadcasting". Routledge 2007
- Gómez, Kase & Urrutia. "Value Creation & Sport Management". Cambridge 2012
- Karl Ulrich, Steven Eppinger. "Product design and development". MacGraw Hill, 2007 fourth edition
- Tom Kelly. "The art of innovation"
- Vanessa Ratten. "Sports Technology & Innovation". Palgrave Macmillan, 2019