program in leadership for managers la salle campus barcelona

Program in Leadership for Managers: Power your Emotional Intelligence

Be part of a transformative program designed for experienced leaders and equip yourself with the best tools to lead teams

Nid: 25421

The course methodology is entirely practical and experiential, requiring the participation and engagement of the participants throughout its development. It combines dynamics, practical cases, role-playing, and inspiring presentations by leadership experts.

During the course, three one-hour individual coaching sessions are included, fully personalized for each participant.


Benefits of Coaching

Coaching has recently proven to be an absolutely effective methodology that facilitates positive changes in people so that they can achieve their goals more quickly.

If there is one word that defines any Coaching process, it is undoubtedly "change." Change is the driving force that gives meaning to any Coaching process, and the transformative dialogue is the coach's main tool to facilitate this process.

In a Coaching process, the individual takes themselves more seriously, makes decisions, and puts them into practice, becoming more focused and effective.