Juan Garcia Camba

Juan Garcia Camba
Mobile work
Department of Management and Technology

Joan Garcia is an associate professor of ICT Service Management at La Salle Business Engineering School (BES).

With more than 20 years of experience in the Retail Sector and more than 1000 stores opened in 25 countries.
Currently CIO of the clothing brand Brownie.

Computer Engineer from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Master in Digital Business from ESADE, Management Development Program (PDD) at IESE.

Joan has different certifications:

The Business of AI - London Business School - 2024
Complex Problem Solving - UNIR - 2022
Cloud & DevOps - MIT (Massachusetts) - 2021

He also performs other activities:

Solidarity consultant at ESADE to help non-profit institutions.
Own IT consulting company CLUTX IT Solutions S.L.
Member of Mensa
Husband, father of two children and legal guardian of two dogs.